The Moon was void of course from 12:18 AM CST until 12:49 when it entered Capricorn. This stable sign offers clarity and is the perfect transit for playing catch up on our chores and planning ahead. Focus on the long-term and make the most out of the Moon’s transit through this productive sign. Amber and o
Despite the focused nature of the Capricorn Moon, our concentration is tested this morning after the Moon squares Chiron in Aries at 1:53 AM. Orbiting between Saturn and Uranus, the comet Chiron is thought to link the past to the future. It has been called the “wounded healer
Aggressive Aries’ influence doesn’t have time for wallowing. Stand strong and don’t let anger or sadness deter you from making the most of today. With Chiron in Aries, it’s time to focus on ourselves and who we truly are to resolve any suffering. Only then will we find ourselves working toward our true purpose.
Don’t hesitate. The 8:27 PM Capricorn Moon trine Mars in Taurus supports taking initiative, but assertiveness is key. A trine is a favorable aspect in astrology when celestial bodies form a 120˚ angle, highlighting our talents and unique, natural abilities. “Ask and you shall receive,” should be today’s mantra. Just make sure you’re as concise, direct and honest as possible. With Taurus’ influence on Mars, now is a great time to take steps toward accomplishing our long-term goals. Results will be tangible.
Almost as good as a trine, we end the day with a favorable aspect: Capricorn Moon sextile Pisces Sun at 9:10 PM. When a sextile occurs, celestial bodies are 60˚ apart. Opportunity may come knocking on our door but, regardless, mind and body are aligned. Gratitude shines through even the darkest moments. This is a universal high gifted by the cosmos.