Ah, a new year and a new cycle begin in dedicated Capricorn. The new moon is generally associated with 30-day, short-term planning following the moon’s cycle – but not this time. With five celestial bodies currently inhabiting Capricorn including our beautiful sun experiencing a partial eclipse, we’ll be dealing with the effects of this transit for six months. Be prepared to take responsibility for
As with any other new moon, now is the time to look inward and set intentions to achieve the future of our dreams. Be careful what you think about during this time. Our thoughts are the seeds that manifest our reality. Since we’ll be dealing with whatever themes arise today for half a year, you’ll want to stay focused.
Capricorn, ruled by authoritarian Saturn, revolves around tradition. This sign calls on us to protect and provide for those we love. This new moon is a great time to focus on discipline. Declutter. Replace not-so-good habits with great ones. Make a plan and get organized. It’s time to create an efficient, simple system so we can easily fulfil our responsibilities and focus on what’s important.
Although the sun and moon’s sextile with Neptune may having us feeling more romantic than usual, it’s a good idea to channel this devotion under Capricorn towards a project we hope to accomplish instead. For the next six months, it is particularly important to stay true to yourself and not fall prey to deception.
Also stationed in Capricorn are Mercury, Pluto, Saturn and the South Node. Serious Saturn may give us a cosmic kick in the butt we need to get down to business but with Mercury’s logical ways, we may find it easier than normal to make realistic plans. But some of us may feel stuck pinned between the energies of Pluto and Saturn. Pluto, the planet of personal power, is likely to reveal self-deception at this time. Make sure your self-love hasn’t turned into selfishness and take a good look at your priorities. Unhealthy past choices could catch up with us and it is important to take accountability for our actions.
But Capricorn isn’t a tyrannical dictator; rather, a patient father figure committed to helping us be our best self. This new moon calls on us to find a harmonious balance between the chaotic and mundane. Taking care of yourself emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually is the only way to put your best foot forward day after day. Set boundaries and only make commitments you can keep.
For more information on what the stars have in store for us on January 5, check out my Moony Musing.