Today, we wake up under the influence of the Aquarius moon. With the moon in this convivial sign for the past two days, we’ve been challenged to discover what it is we bring to this world and embrace our natural talents. However, this journey of self-discovery may have left us feeling isolated, lonely, misunderstood and perhaps defeated as the influence of an Aquarius moon can turn us into our own worst enemy.
These emotions may be exacerbated by a semi-square with Saturn in Capricorn, its rulership, at 8:25 AM. Semi-squares occur when two planets form a 45° angle. Although the energy associated with a semi-square is milder than that of a 90° square, it remains an astrologically important aspect connected with inward expansion. Let overachieving Saturn motivate you to stick to your intentions set during the Capricorn New Moon and be your best today, unapologetically. Only then, when we aren’t overthinking or criticizing ourselves, can the natural talents we so often overlook shine.
At 10:53 AM, the moon sextiles Uranus as it goes void of course. Remember not to make any big decisions or plan during a void of course moon, as they will likely require revisiting later. Lucky for us, the 60° separation during a sextile creates compatibility between the two planets involved. Radical Uranus, ruler of creativity and freedom, may present us with an epiphany during this time to pull us out of our morning funk. Keep your eyes and mind open. The universe is always holding doors open for you.
After a long morning, the moon enters visionary Pisces at 1:44 PM. Use the next three days to escape. Just try not to get lost or check out completely. Rest, relax, let your imagination soar then brainstorm and work on your creative endeavors. An unscheduled day can still be productive, daytripper.
Pisces moon squares Venus in Sagittarius at 7:10 PM. After this potentially harsh morning, it may be best to set romance aside and devote attention to ourselves tonight. Determine your needs and fulfil them. Resist the
Comfortably stationed in its rulership Capricorn, Jupiter will sesquiquadrate Uranus in Aries today at 3:34 PM. This exact aspect will occur twice again this year in June and October, making today’s – the first of three – quite auspicious. When two celestial bodies are sesquiquadrate, they are separated by 135°. In astrology, this minor aspect generally revolves around themes of blindness or ignorance. Pay attention to red flags. A feeling of unfulfillment could mean we’re wasting time with impractical desires or maybe we’ve piled our plate too high, leaving us no time for what we love. Take note of any concerns arising today and prepare yourself to address them in days to come.