Good luck keeping up with your thoughts today as the moon remains in airy, thoughtful Gemini. Everyone may feel a bit trapped in their mind today but don’t let that stop you from interacting with others. Gemini aids us in communication and we are likely to find conversation quite stimulating today, which can provide inspiration for our projects. We also may be able to inadvertently help others get past whatever is making them feel stuck. Under this moon sign, our desires and needs are likely to finally be the same and we will want to put our whole selves into everything we do.
All those thoughts bubbling around in our brains can lead to confusion under the Moon sesquiquadrate Mercury in Capricorn at 1:35 AM CST. Reason and feeling could be at odds. Do your best to make decisions and don’t dwell on what could have been. Only through experience can we gain the insights needed to be secure all around on our path.
Piggybacking off of the tension between head and heart from the Mercury sesquiquadrate, the moon and Pluto in Capricorn form a sesquiquadrate at 5:42 AM. Thanks to Pluto’s influence, we may feel a universal tug pulling us toward our best decision. Pluto challenges us to look deeply inward and transform by acknowledging our fears and working to move them.
With the 1:55 PM Moon opposite Venus in Sagittarius, we’ll all be looking for love – just hopefully not in the wrong places. You are more likely to feel lonely today if you are single or involved in the dating world. Don’t lower your standards just to avoid being alone! Tensions may arise in our e
Be your best self and you’ll attract the best in return under the 2:33 PM moon sextile Mars in rulership Aries. This harmonious aspect sparks courage and creativity. Take initiation! Our natural leadership qualities are highlighted now, allowing us to improve relations all around – even in the bedroom.
The first-quarter moon enters its waxing gibbous phase at 4:35 PM. During this phase, we begin to see results from any efforts put forth since the New Moon. We benefit from collaboration at this time and can now focus on fine-tuning.
Self-reliance will be top of mind as the moon sesquiquadrate sun in Capricorn sesquiquadrate at 4:37 PM. After enjoying a day full of teamwork, collaboration, compromise and learning from others, we may begin to question our own independent ability. Don’t let it get to you! Today, the qualities of each person’s distinct personal leadership style likely shone brightly for all to see and many exuberated confidence. Questioning ourselves is par for the course under this aspect – but it’s all in your head.
We may find a very unusual solution to one of our problems under the 6:03 PM moon quincunx Saturn in Capricorn. Methodical Saturn allows us to put our emotions to the side and get things done at this time, raising a bit of stoicism in even the most gleeful of us. Children and pets are likely to be on their best behavior at this time.
Expect the unexpected as the moon semi-squares Uranus in Aries at 6:32 PM. With the chatty Gemini moon filling our head with endless possibilities and thoughts, we may find ourselves getting bored unusually fast. Try to finish whatever you started today instead of frantically jumping around from activity to activity.
Erratic behavior spawned by the moon-Uranus semi-square will likely continue when the moon squares Neptune in Pisces at 7:57 PM. If you are in a social setting, you may find yourself absorbing other peoples emotions.
At 9:12 PM, the moon and Jupiter in Sagittarius go opposite. This is our final aspect of the day and suggests a lack of self-control – especially with Neptune’s influence. If you are an introvert, this is a great aspect for working on your social skills and opening up to others. Concerns about the future may end the night feeling uncertain and upset. Watch what you intake tonight when it comes to food and drugs. Don’t be a pig!