On the night of January 20, 2019, the Super Blood Wolf Moon in Leo arrives. This first full moon of the new year also happens to be a total lunar eclipse, marking a magickal transition from the effects of the partial Capricorn solar eclipse we experienced on January 5. Total lunar eclipses occur roughly every 18 months. Unfortunately, this is the only one occurring in 2019 and the only one visible from North America until May 26, 2021, so don’t miss out!
This eclipse will be visible from all of the Americas so make sure you look up, at the night sky. The partial eclipse begins at 9:33 PM CST and we’ll be able to witness the total eclipse about an hour later, at 10:31 PM. It peaks at 11:16 PM.
What makes this moon super? Astrologist Richard Nolle coined the term supermoon in 1979 as a colloquial version of what astronomers call a perigee-syzygy. A perigee refers to the moon’s closest point in orbit to the sun while a syzygy is when three celestial bodies align – which the sun, moon and Earth do every full moon.
But although many believe the moon will appear much larger, it is difficult to actually tell the difference between the moon’s appearance in size from one night to the next due to the ovular shape of its orbit. Each night, the moon will look biggest when it is near the skyline as it rises or sets thanks to what The Old Farmer’s Almanac refers to as the “Moon Illusion,” which makes objects close to the horizon appear larger.
It sounds morbid but blood moon is just an edgier way of saying “total lunar eclipse.” There are actually two Biblical references attached to it. Book of Acts 2:20 (NLT) reads, “The sun will become dark and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day the Lord arrives,” while Revelation 6:12-13 says, “I watched as he opened the sixth seal. There was a great earthquake. The sun turned black like sackcloth made of goat hair, the whole moon turned blood red, 1and the stars in the sky fell to earth, as figs drop from a fig tree when shaken by a strong wind.”
From our vantage point on Earth, the moon appears to glow despite the fact it doesn’t actually give off any light itself. Rather, it reflects light from the rays of the sun. When the moon orbits into Earth’s shadow, it can take on a reddish hue. It is more likely to appear copper than red because of dust in the atmosphere causing the shade to range from yellow and orange to brown. Some of the sun’s light is able to bend around the Earth and the longest wavelengths, associated with oranges and reds, are reflected back.
Between 1500 and 1510, the English edition of the Shepherd’s Calendar named the twelve full moons according to the zodiac. The Wolf Moon was associated with Capricorn season (December 21 to January 19), which is why it fluctuates between December to January. Naming this moon after a predatory nocturnal animal may be associated with fears of the pitch-black winter sky, as the longest, darkest night of the year occurs the day before the Winter Solstice. Other names for January’s full moon include Old Moon, Snow Moon and After Yule Moon.
Leo is a fire sign promoting unapologetic individuality. With the moon in Leo, we may find ourselves opening up to a more humorous side and finding joy in entertaining others. Full moons are a time for setting things straight and Leo’s influence further promotes this, as the lion enjoys making sure its pack is happy, healthy and running smoothly.
Unfortunately, while the performer in all of us is called to the stage, this may also suggest a flair for the overdramatic. Classic Leo. Since the moon rules our emotions and energies are exacerbated under the total lunar eclipse, one wrong move could cause a lot of drama. Be mindful of your words and actions as objects and relationships damaged under this moon will not be easily repaired.