The dark moon went void of course and entered Aquarius in the wee hours of the morning as many of us slept. Hopefully, your alarm was set and you are ready to get straight to business today. Feel free to add more intentions to the list you started during the Capricorn New Moon to work on throughout this lunar cycle (and about six months beyond, thanks to the powerful stellium we experienced.) The January 21 full moon and lunar eclipse will give us an opportunity to revisit these intentions in
Do you remember your dream from last night? It may have presented everything we desire to us as the void-of-course moon semi-squared dreamy Neptune, ruler of spirituality, desire and illusion. This harmonious minor astrological aspect occurs when two celestial bodies are 45°.
The void-of-course moon also went sextile Venus, another harmonious aspect when two celestial bodies are 60° or separated by two signs. This aspect sets the stage for our day to come, making it likely for us to meet new people with whom we’ll get along.
At 9:42 AM CST, the Aquarius moon forms a sextile with Mars. Although this aspect should enhance our productivity today, this passionate planet may cause us impatience. And with people-pleasing Aquarius ruling our emotions through the moon, we may find ourselves
Venus enters Sagittarius at 5:18 AM CST where it will remain until February 3. During this time, communication in our relationships – especially with lovers – will be drama-free and straight to the point. Romantic adventures abound – but don’t forget to budget. There are plenty of things for